Why Libertarians Should Oppose Conspiracy Theories

“Bilderberg conspiracies have become a handicap for the Liberty Movement,” says conservative commentator Jack Hunter in a recent article. “Bilderberg conspiracy theorists have become a political handicap. The Birthers probably have a few interesting points to make, but this doesn’t change the fact that their argument is toxic. It doesn’t change the fact that their rhetoric damages … Continued

In Defense of Sweatshops

Roderick Long has written a rebuttal over at Bleeding Heart Libertarians to the LearnLiberty video Matt Zwolinski did on how sweatshops can help the poor escape poverty. Long’s argument is short on specifics, but his conclusion (sweatshops are bad and we should try to find ways of getting rid of them) is highly appealing, even … Continued

The Futility of Religious Profiling at Airport Security Checkpoints

“Obviously, Muslims would be someone you’d look at, absolutely,” former-Senator Rick Santorum said during a GOP presidential debate last year. “Radical Muslims are the people that are committing these crimes by and large, as well as younger males,” he explained. While religious profiling may not seem like a hot topic, America’s intrusive airport security process will force … Continued

Holes in the Official Story About RMS Titanic

Using the time-tested 7 Steps to Building Your Own Conspiracy Theory, here’s an alternative explanation for the sinking of the Titanic.* The RMS Titanic sank at 2 a.m. on April 15, 1912, after allegedly hitting an iceberg on 4/14. The governments of the United States and Great Britain have officially closed their investigations into the sinking of the … Continued

Michael Shermer’s Full Speech at the Reason Rally – 3/24

Full text and audio below: Three centuries ago, in a land 3,000 miles away, a revolution in reason began known as The Age of Enlightenment. Apropos our gathering here today, it is also called the Age of Reason, or in the descriptor of great German philosopher Immanuel Kant—Sapere Aude!—dare to know! “Have the courage to … Continued

Summary, Text, and Audio of ObamaCare Supreme Court Hearings

In a rare move, the Supreme Court has allocated 6 hours of oral argument spread over three days to the case of Health and Human Services v. Florida–the constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act, commonly called “ObamaCare.” SCOTUS will hear arguments from Monday March 26 to Wednesday March 28. Day 1: The Anti-Injunction Act … Continued

How Liberals and Conservatives Are Losing the Battle of Ideas

The Young Activitists New ideas, by their very nature, find root in the fertile soil of young minds. Liberals are no longer the bearers of new ideas. Conservatives are still ridiculous. Both groups are hoping enough interested people are out there who prefer their brand of statism and phony philosophies, both of which have been … Continued