Watergate: America’s Finest Hour

Many people think of the 1970s and Watergate as low-water marks in America’s political history, but personally, I think of it as one of our finest hours. For once, the system worked. The president and vice president were forced to resign in disgrace for their crimes. The attorney general and deputy attorney general resigned on principle, … Continued

NSA Surveillance Program Is Unreasonable, Unwarranted, and Unconstitutional

In his latest post at Ricochet.com, libertarian law professor Richard Epstein responded to criticism of his earlier op-ed, co-authored with Cato’s Roger Pilon, defending the NSA’s secret data-gathering programs. While conceding factual errors on a couple of points, Epstein maintained his core argument that the mass surveillance of millions of Americans’ internet and telecommunications data constitutes both … Continued

The Nanny State

Over the years, we have seen the ever-increasing role of the state in enforcing “healthy” habits and regulations. The enforcement of morality has affected almost every aspect of our daily lives, from abortion, to drugs, to healthcare. Students in Arizona are some of the newest victims of these laws. Community colleges in the Phoenix-metro area have recently launched … Continued

Libertarians Aren’t Part of the Conservative Movement

National Review’s Jonah Goldberg at the debate TheAmerican Enterprise Institute (AEI) hosted a debate between Reason Magazine Editor Matt Welch and National Review Editor-at-Large Jonah Goldberg last Wednesday. The question posed was, “Are libertarians part of the conservative movement?” Unfortunately, the debate wasn’t much of a debate. Welch began by stating that he agreed with Goldberg “a … Continued

Where’s my SWAT team?

In one of those, you’ve-got-to-be-shitting-me stories, Radley Balko, at the Agitator, reports that NASA has a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team at the Kennedy Space Center–in case, you know, we find ourselves sucked into an alternative sci-fi universe where NASA needs quasi-military tactical response teams. It’s reasonable, I suppose, for NASA to have security guards—but … Continued