Russia’s Toilets, Sochi’s Problems, and Why it Matters

The following is a guest post by my friend Irena Schneider, a Ph.D. student at King’s College London, exploring the tragicomedy of Sochi’s toilets, why the world should pay attention to them, and what they say about everyday life in Russia. I am reminded of Mikhail Gorbachev’s recollection about Soviet life during the Brezhnev era: “We … Continued

Watergate: America’s Finest Hour

Many people think of the 1970s and Watergate as low-water marks in America’s political history, but personally, I think of it as one of our finest hours. For once, the system worked. The president and vice president were forced to resign in disgrace for their crimes. The attorney general and deputy attorney general resigned on principle, … Continued

IRS Scandal: Conspiracy Not Required

The recent revelation that the IRS targeted conservative political groups is now moving into the second stage of a DC scandal: the first is finding out what happened; the second is finding out how high up it goes. Although it is important to find out many, if any, high-level officials are culpable, high-level participation is … Continued