The Cost of an Unfree Society: It Really Does Affect You

“I don’t care because it doesn’t affect me.” While speaking recently with a good friend of mine, an anti-drug war activist, she said that phrase frustrated and angered her more than any other. Hers is a common grievance among intellectuals and activists concerned with social welfare. The great dream of Marx and other socialists was … Continued

Libertarianism, Individualism, and Egoism: Karl Popper v. Plato

Libertarians are constantly attacked as proponents of an “every-man-for-himself” philosophy. This is mainly because we hold that each man is morally autonomous–that is, a person is morally accountable for his or her actions alone, and not for those actions taken by others. This individualism is assailed as selfish, or as an attack on altruism. Many … Continued