Small Government Is Popular–The GOP Isn’t

Everybody Hates John Boehner The other day, two seemingly contradictory stories appeared in my inbox almost simultaneously. The first was yet another story on how unpopular the Republican Party is right now, thanks to their doomed, incoherent budget strategy: “NBC/WSJ poll: Shutdown debate damages GOP.” The short of it is that only 24% of Americans … Continued

Whither God: Is Religion Fading In America?

Is religion on the decline? That’s what several recent polls seem to indicate. Today, a record 1 in 5 Americans say they do not belong to any religion; among those under 30, it’s more like 1 in 3. But Rodney Stark, co-director of the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion, disagrees. In an op-ed in … Continued

No Libertarian “Truce” With Conservatives On Social Issues

For the first time, a majority of Americans now support legalizing marijuana, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center. For the first time in more than four decades of polling on the issue, a majority of Americans favor legalizing the use of marijuana. A national survey finds that 52% say that the use … Continued

“Government shouldn’t be in the marriage business” — Yeah. So WHAT?

Imagine for a moment that it was the prevailing practice in public schools to require mandatory Christian prayers services, and that students could be paddled, suspended, or expelled for failure to participate. I am convinced that a certain block of “libertarians” would be saying, “Let’s just focus on getting the government out of education altogether! … Continued

The Bright Silver Linings On the Edge of the Election

For libertarians, it can be frustrating to watch elections: no matter which party wins, all to often, we lose. The same was true of this year, as President Obama was ushered into a second term by voters. But it wasn’t all bad: good news trickled in from across the country tonight, from ballot initiatives on … Continued

Legal Marriage Equality for Skeptics

Author’s note: If you are reading this blog then chances are you support legal equality for homosexual and heterosexual couples, and likely  see no role for government to promote specific values or institutions. If so, know that this essay is not for you. It is for the skeptics in your life who remain unconvinced that … Continued