Piketty Roundup and the Non-Contradictions of Capitalism

I don’t have time to do a review of Thomas Piketty’s magisterial work on income and wealth inequality, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, but fortunately, everyone who’s anyone has already done it for me. While I continue to slog my way through its 700 pages, here are several illuminating reviews: Randall Holcombe’s continuing series of posts at The Beacon are generally good, but his second was … Continued

Liberty.ME Interview: Good Science, Bad Bureaucracy, and Matthew McConaughey

I chatted with Kyle Platt of Liberty.me about the consequences of superstition and pseudoscience that I outlined in my article “What’s the Harm?”. We talked liberal science denial, bad bureaucracy, and the dreaminess of Matthew McConaughey. Video and brief excerpts below. KP: You say the cost of [scientific] misinformation is too large to ignore, and that it’s “a … Continued

Private vs. Public Anti-Gay Discrimination

Over at the Washington Blade blog, Mark Lee raises an important question about the recent Brendan Eich/Mozilla debacle: are we more interested in punishing our enemies than we are about changing the social and political landscape? He argues, “It is astonishing that in the midst of winning hearts and minds on the most essential elements … Continued

Should Homophobes Be Fired?

I’ve been vocally and financially supporting legalizing gay marriage for a long time, so I’ll admit to some schadenfreude when OKCupid called out Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich for supporting Prop 8’s ban on same-sex marriage. But lest we forget, most Californians did. Are we to cut off business, social, and political relationships with all of them? There’s been … Continued

“What’s the Harm”: The Body Count of Pseudoscience

A Holocaust of Ignorance I’m often confronted by people who are outraged by skeptical criticism other people’s ideas about medicine, biotech, and science: “You ought to respect their beliefs!” Other people simply shrug off popular pseudoscience and say, “Why bother? What’s the harm?” The answer is that the cost of this kind of misinformation is too large to … Continued

Big Pharma vs. Big Placebo

It’s quite common to hear people say that they don’t trust vaccines because “Big Pharma only cares about profits” or other appeals to fear of greed. Never mind that vaccines are just about 3% of US pharmaceutical sales — and so are relatively unimportant to drug companies — let’s see where this logic takes us. If making billions … Continued