By the Numbers: How Many People Are Killed by Police?

Update: Here is a more recent version of this analysis, with a lot more data. I’ve been getting this question a lot since my article in The Freeman about officer fatalities was published. I’m hesitant to write about it because there are so many ways to misinterpret this kind of information that it might do more harm than good. Nonetheless, … Continued

This is what happens when you call the cops (in Ferguson).

An unarmed teen gets shot. A mayor bans a protest rally. Government crack down with military equipment and tactics. Protests turn into riots. News helicopters are prohibited.  Journalists are arrested for filming. Cops tear gas news crews. Wow, at this screenshot from @fox2now of a cameraman in the tear gas. — Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) August … Continued

Quote Files: John Adams on Innocence, Guilt, and Punishment

“It is more important that innocence be protected than it is that guilt be punished, for guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world that they cannot all be punished. But if innocence itself is brought to the bar and condemned, perhaps to die, then the citizen will say, “whether I do good or … Continued

Do you “believe” evolution? You should.

be·lief – biˈlēf/ – noun 1. an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists; something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction. There’s a popular meme among promoters of evolution that gets on my nerves, both as a matter of strategy and as a matter of fact. It’s a kind of … Continued

CBS Los Angeles Copies Creationist Talking Points

A CBS affiliate in Los Angeles appears to have copied substantial portions of an article about a creationist’s lawsuit against California State University, Northridge. Sentences and entire paragraphs seem to have been lifted directly from a press release of the Pacific Justice Institute, the conservative legal foundation that filed the lawsuit. The case concerns the termination of Mark Armitage, … Continued

The Scarcity of Black Atheists and the Limits of “Atheism”

Sikivu Hutchinson, founder of the Black Skeptics Group, has a very interesting blog at the Washington Post about the atheist community’s race problem. She notes that African Americans tend to be more religious than other Americans, and also that the self-described atheist movement tends to be overwhelmingly white, well-educated, and affluent. As a result, there is a mismatch between the … Continued

Leftists accuse Kochs of helping poor minorities go to college

Charles and David Koch are prolific philanthropists, patronizing art, science, medicine, education, and public policy. Sounds wonderful, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, their libertarian philosophy isn’t an approved variation of self-hatred and hypocritical cant required by the progressive left, so their money can do no good to anyone. In fact, their charitable gifts are even more suspect than simply hoarding their money … Continued

Next Time You Hear About a “Fascist Coup” in Ukraine, Remember This Chart

One line of Kremlin propaganda you hear a lot from Confused Pro-Putin Libertarians and the pseudo-antiwar (but really just anti-Western) left is that there was a “fascist coup” or “right-wing takeover” of Ukraine, and that as a result, Putin needed to invade Crimea (and quite possibly other Ukrainian provinces soon) to “protect” ethnic Russians and Jews from … Continued