Public “Servants”? Or Public Thieves?

“Public service” sounds like sacrifice: lower pay, fewer benefits, longer hours in a lousy job. This myth must be jettisoned before government can ever shrink. The greatest “special interests” fighting for a larger and larger state aren’t in the private sector–they’re in the government, and they’re called public sector unions. Here’s some useful information USA … Continued

EPA: Best Coal Emission Reduction System? Be Natural Gas!

On Wednesday, I wrote about how EPA had released their new performance standards for coal-fired power plants that in essence will lead to the death of the coal industry. EPA is regulating greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), even without any statute approved by Congress that grants them the authority to do so. Instead, they just seized the … Continued

EPA’s Lawless Destruction of the Coal Industry

“This was the moment,” candidate Obama proclaimed after winning his party’s nomination, “when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” When he assumed office, President Obama attempted to act on that promise and regulate greenhouse gas emissions. On June 26, 2009, the House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy … Continued

Liberals Make a Stand for Corporate Welfare

The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United to allow corporations to spend money on political activities has become a primary target for liberals in Congress. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wrote this year that “this spending will fundamentally distort our democracy, tilting the playing field to favor corporate interests, discouraging new candidates, chilling elected officials and shifting the overall policymaking … Continued

Obama’s War on Whistleblowers: Jeffrey Sterling

The Obama administration’s Department of Justice arrested ex-CIA agent Jeffrey Sterling on January 6, 2011, for leaking information about the agency’s botched attempt under President Clinton to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program. He is charged with passing the information to New York Times’ reporter James Risen, continuing, as the Washington Post put it, “the Obama administration’s … Continued

The Population Horror Show

This past Halloween, the scariest thing for the World Bank and the United Nations wasn’t the costumes. It was the children. News that the world population passed 7 billion October 31, 2011 has brought the usual doom-and-gloom predictions about famine, resource scarcity, and poverty. To many, it seems, people are a problem The U.N. Population … Continued

The “Libyan Model” Won’t Save Syria

Congressional Republicans are pressuring the White House this week to intervene in Syria. They are basing their case, bizarrely enough, on the president’s war in Libya. “I think the Libyan model could serve us well,” Sen. Lindsay Graham said this week. “We need to help the rebels militarily, economically, and let Assad know that he is an … Continued

Aristotle Explained Natural Selection, But Rejected It

Read this fantastically prescient argument from Aristotle in which he clearly foresees, not only blind evolution, but the concept of evolution as well: Why should not nature work, not for the sake of something, nor because it is better so, but just as the sky rains–not in order to make the corn grow–but of necessity? … Continued