Legal Marriage Equality for Skeptics

Author’s note: If you are reading this blog then chances are you support legal equality for homosexual and heterosexual couples, and likely  see no role for government to promote specific values or institutions. If so, know that this essay is not for you. It is for the skeptics in your life who remain unconvinced that … Continued

Being Realistic About a Free Society

Classical liberals tend to promise too much when we talk about life under our ideal political institutions. This is not unique among ideological groups. Marx labeled his theory “scientific socialism” because he believed that he had discovered the fundamental pattern of history. His was a theory of everything. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis; capitalism passing into socialism passing … Continued

Public “Servants”? Or Public Thieves?

“Public service” sounds like sacrifice: lower pay, fewer benefits, longer hours in a lousy job. This myth must be jettisoned before government can ever shrink. The greatest “special interests” fighting for a larger and larger state aren’t in the private sector–they’re in the government, and they’re called public sector unions. Here’s some useful information USA … Continued

EPA’s Lawless Destruction of the Coal Industry

“This was the moment,” candidate Obama proclaimed after winning his party’s nomination, “when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” When he assumed office, President Obama attempted to act on that promise and regulate greenhouse gas emissions. On June 26, 2009, the House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy … Continued

The Sunk Costs of War and Terror

Has it been worth it? 3,841 days ago, four airliners were hijacked in a beautiful, blue September sky. Two crashed into Towers 1 and 2 of the World Trade Center. A third slammed into the Pentagon. The fourth was destined for the Capitol Building, but its hijackers plowed it into a Pennsylvania field after passengers … Continued

Xenophobia, Autarky, Culture, and Nicolas Sarkozy

*Originally published March 12, 2012 “I want this many foreigners in my country.” In the last fortnight French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been waging a campaign to “save the European way of life.” He recently warned that if the flow of immigrants into Europe is not abated, France will withdraw from the Schengen Agreement, which allows citizens … Continued

The “Libyan Model” Won’t Save Syria

Congressional Republicans are pressuring the White House this week to intervene in Syria. They are basing their case, bizarrely enough, on the president’s war in Libya. “I think the Libyan model could serve us well,” Sen. Lindsay Graham said this week. “We need to help the rebels militarily, economically, and let Assad know that he is an … Continued

At GOP Debate, Presidential Candidates Summarize Their Philosophies

At the start of yet another completely pointless GOP presidential debate, CNN’s John King asked the candidates to briefly introduce themselves to the audience. Their responses are incredibly telling about their underlying political philosophies. Ron Paul said, “I am the defender of the Constitution. I’m the champion of liberty. This shows the road map to … Continued