An Excellent Quote From an Unexpected Source

From Steve Horwitz at BHL comes this prescient statement from a prominent western intellectual during the 1920s. See if you can guess the author without Googling. The questions which I group together as sex questions have not been party questions in the past. But that was because they were never, or seldom, the subject of … Continued

A Short Note On Our Being ‘Bought Off’

When “social activists” spread fear-mongering bullshit about some product or technology (e.g., cell phones, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, GM crops, or whatever), companies in related industries will inevitably defend their products from those attacks. This isn’t sinister or unexpected. You should be equally skeptical of their statements as those of their detractors, but you shouldn’t … Continued

Five “Monsanto Protection Act” Myths

Anti-GMO conspiracy theorists are promulgating a multitude of myths about the recent Farmer Assurance provision of the annual farm bill, what they erroneously have dubbed The Monsanto Protection Act (page 78, Sec. 735). Many reasonable people have bought into the hype, not because they want to join the anti-science lunatic fringe, but because the Center … Continued

Is President Obama Ending Perpetual War, Or Institutionalizing It?

“President Obama Vows to End the Perpetual War”–so reads the New York Times‘ editorial about President Obama’s speech on counter-terrorism policy. The Times hailed the president’s remarks as a “momentous turning point in post-9/11 America,” but given Mr. Obama’s history of broken pledges, failed expectations, and underwhelming performance, we are less than enthusiastic about this latest among … Continued

Quote Files: James Madison on Christianity: ‘Superstition, Bigotry, and Persecution’

The Founding Fathers are always everyone’s top choice when looking to bolster their argument, and despite being a generally skeptical lot (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Paine, and Franklin were deists), they are frequently and inaccurately invoked by the religious to support the claim that “America was founded as a Christian nation.” But despite so many irreligious … Continued

The Most Awful Reactions to Disaster in Oklahoma

It was a bad day. And when it seemingly couldn’t get any worse, the nauseating politicization of the disaster began. Yesterday, a massive tornado struck the suburbs of Oklahoma City. Early reports indicate at least 51 people are dead, including some 20 children, and the death toll is expected to rise. The devastation is near complete in some areas, as … Continued

IRS Scandal: Conspiracy Not Required

The recent revelation that the IRS targeted conservative political groups is now moving into the second stage of a DC scandal: the first is finding out what happened; the second is finding out how high up it goes. Although it is important to find out many, if any, high-level officials are culpable, high-level participation is … Continued