Into the ‘Dark Side’: America’s Worldwide Torture Regime

The dust had barely settled on lower Manhattan and the Pentagon when Dick Cheney and his legal advisors set out to remake U.S. law. Just five days after 9/11, the vice president gave Meet the Press’s audience insight into his thinking, arguing for the need to work on “the dark side,” in “the shadows of … Continued

Whither God: Is Religion Fading In America?

Is religion on the decline? That’s what several recent polls seem to indicate. Today, a record 1 in 5 Americans say they do not belong to any religion; among those under 30, it’s more like 1 in 3. But Rodney Stark, co-director of the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion, disagrees. In an op-ed in … Continued

Political Correctness: Where Are We Now?

I recently had the misfortune of getting trapped in a two-hour long argument with an acquaintance over nothing of great consequence. I’m not proud of it, but I think it happens to the best of us. Though I couldn’t even remember what point of difference we started on after having a few dozen red herring … Continued