How Liberals and Conservatives Are Losing the Battle of Ideas

The Young Activitists New ideas, by their very nature, find root in the fertile soil of young minds. Liberals are no longer the bearers of new ideas. Conservatives are still ridiculous. Both groups are hoping enough interested people are out there who prefer their brand of statism and phony philosophies, both of which have been … Continued

Liberals Make a Stand for Corporate Welfare

The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United to allow corporations to spend money on political activities has become a primary target for liberals in Congress. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wrote this year that “this spending will fundamentally distort our democracy, tilting the playing field to favor corporate interests, discouraging new candidates, chilling elected officials and shifting the overall policymaking … Continued

The Sunk Costs of War and Terror

Has it been worth it? 3,841 days ago, four airliners were hijacked in a beautiful, blue September sky. Two crashed into Towers 1 and 2 of the World Trade Center. A third slammed into the Pentagon. The fourth was destined for the Capitol Building, but its hijackers plowed it into a Pennsylvania field after passengers … Continued

Xenophobia, Autarky, Culture, and Nicolas Sarkozy

*Originally published March 12, 2012 “I want this many foreigners in my country.” In the last fortnight French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been waging a campaign to “save the European way of life.” He recently warned that if the flow of immigrants into Europe is not abated, France will withdraw from the Schengen Agreement, which allows citizens … Continued

Obama’s War on Whistleblowers: Jeffrey Sterling

The Obama administration’s Department of Justice arrested ex-CIA agent Jeffrey Sterling on January 6, 2011, for leaking information about the agency’s botched attempt under President Clinton to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program. He is charged with passing the information to New York Times’ reporter James Risen, continuing, as the Washington Post put it, “the Obama administration’s … Continued

The Population Horror Show

This past Halloween, the scariest thing for the World Bank and the United Nations wasn’t the costumes. It was the children. News that the world population passed 7 billion October 31, 2011 has brought the usual doom-and-gloom predictions about famine, resource scarcity, and poverty. To many, it seems, people are a problem The U.N. Population … Continued

The “Libyan Model” Won’t Save Syria

Congressional Republicans are pressuring the White House this week to intervene in Syria. They are basing their case, bizarrely enough, on the president’s war in Libya. “I think the Libyan model could serve us well,” Sen. Lindsay Graham said this week. “We need to help the rebels militarily, economically, and let Assad know that he is an … Continued

Buried At Sea?: The conspiracy theory that will not die

The Story Leaked emails from the intelligence company Statfor show that one of the company’s executives did not believe Osama bin Laden’s corpse was buried at sea after being killed in Pakistan last year. Needless to say, conspiracy theorists are going ape-shit over this, claiming that the handful of dubious emails leaked by Wikileaks prove some as yet … Continued