9 Debate Tactics for Defenders of Pseudoscience

Defend the Woo 1. Learn a bunch of scientific terms. You don’t have to know what they mean–it kinda helps if you don’t–just know what they are. When engaged in a debate, fling them around without remorse. Hopefully this will confuse or intimidate your opponent into submission. Good examples are “variables,” “controlled environment,” “toxicity,” “quantum,” “double … Continued

Fake Quote Files: V.I. Lenin on Inflation and Taxation

It occurred to me, while researching alleged quotations from historical figures, that for every time someone cites a source for a quote, there are about 10,000 instances where people simply stick the purported author’s name under it with an emdash (—), as though it was a sufficient reference. This is quite maddening, because even if … Continued

Sanity on the brink

I’ve been deluged with unbelievably insane stories this morning. Here’s a quick round-up: 12 million Americans think lizard people run the government. 13% of us think Obama is the “Antichrist.”  An Italian scientist claims vaccines make you gay. Two radio DJs are facing possible felony charges for telling listeners that “dihydrogen monoxide” was coming out … Continued

Fake Quote Files: Adolf Hitler on Gun Registration, Conquest and Disarmament

Have a cause you really hate? Want to discredit it? Well, fortunately for you, there’s History’s Worst Dictators™.  Whether it’s banking, corporations, evolution, abortion, gun control, gun rights, atheism, or vegetarianism, these villains can be dredged up whenever you need cast the specter of mass murder on your opponents’ intentions. Just make up a quote, make up a date, … Continued

The Real History of the Fed: Why It Didn’t Take a Miracle (Or a Conspiracy!) to Pass

The following is a guest post by Steven Horwitz, Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics at St. Lawrence University. Perhaps because money and finance are among the most complex and obscure parts of economics, a variety of cranks and conspiracy theorists have historically aimed their arguments against any number of monetary institutions and practices.  In the last hundred … Continued