“Never Again” and the Iraq War

Every September 11th, Americans—mostly our political class—gather in New York City or Washington D.C. to say, “Never again.” Never again will we allow 19 deranged terrorists hijack plans and fly them into buildings in America—a vain and hollow promise, as if simply by making an act of will we could have prevented the 3,000 deaths … Continued

Want to see the future? Open borders.

Global restrictions on migration are holding the world economy back by two decades. The economic loss we suffer every single year as a result of governments’ arbitrary barriers on labor mobility is equivalent to the next 20 years of economic growth. Simply put, lifting restrictions on immigration would double world GDP.1 We can get a headstart … Continued

Washington State’s Minimum Wage Does Cause Unemployment

Here’s great business advice: raising your prices won’t affect how many consumers you have. That’s the argument proposed by those who favor raising the minimum wage. Employment won’t be affected by forcibly raising the cost of labor. Despite the absurdity of this and the broad agreement among economists that the minimum wage will have negative … Continued

Team “Do Something” Is Winning

Foreign policy statists react to foreign crises the same way progressives react to mass shootings: demanding policy proposals that will do nothing to fix the problem, but will make them feel like they’re morally superior to the “Do-Nothing” crowd. Fortunately for team “Do-Something,” they have home court advantage (saturating the greater Washington D.C. area as … Continued

Olympic-Style Waste: Why America Should Stop Bidding for the Olympics

People should fear the economic effects of hosting the Olympics with all the same fright that they fear the economic effects of incoming hurricanes and tornadoes. It’s the smash-a-thousand-windows economic development plan. Government “waste” is too tame a title for the Sochi Olympics. Sochi is an edifice to public corruption and dissipation. One must hope … Continued

Reasons Not to Boycott “Duck Dynasty”

Obligatory libertarian boilerplate: A&E has every right to hire or fire anyone they want; everyone has a right to free speech, but they don’t have a right to someone else’s microphone. Obligatory atheist boilerplate: Animus towards gays is abhorrent, and I support equal rights for gays and lesbians. That being said, I don’t think it’s wise … Continued

“Confused” Democracy v. One Man Rule

Listening to the DC commentariat talk about Syria is naturally mind-numbing, but perhaps the most infuriating line of arguments are about how “confused” we (as a nation) look for going to Congress and debating this “limited action” (let’s not call it a war). Because we don’t follow the script of one single mind, and could … Continued