Why Libertarians Should Oppose Conspiracy Theories

“Bilderberg conspiracies have become a handicap for the Liberty Movement,” says conservative commentator Jack Hunter in a recent article. “Bilderberg conspiracy theorists have become a political handicap. The Birthers probably have a few interesting points to make, but this doesn’t change the fact that their argument is toxic. It doesn’t change the fact that their rhetoric damages … Continued

Holes in the Official Story About RMS Titanic

Using the time-tested 7 Steps to Building Your Own Conspiracy Theory, here’s an alternative explanation for the sinking of the Titanic.* The RMS Titanic sank at 2 a.m. on April 15, 1912, after allegedly hitting an iceberg on 4/14. The governments of the United States and Great Britain have officially closed their investigations into the sinking of the … Continued

Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory

As I recently learned, it is a bad idea to joke about conspiracies. They are serious business to some people. But if you are interested in inventing your own conspiracy theory for fun or profit, there is a time-tested formula: Pick bad thing  X that happened (it doesn’t matter what or when). Postulate a conspiracy … Continued

Buried At Sea?: The conspiracy theory that will not die

The Story Leaked emails from the intelligence company Statfor show that one of the company’s executives did not believe Osama bin Laden’s corpse was buried at sea after being killed in Pakistan last year. Needless to say, conspiracy theorists are going ape-shit over this, claiming that the handful of dubious emails leaked by Wikileaks prove some as yet … Continued