Holes in the Official Story About RMS Titanic

Using the time-tested 7 Steps to Building Your Own Conspiracy Theory, here’s an alternative explanation for the sinking of the Titanic.* The RMS Titanic sank at 2 a.m. on April 15, 1912, after allegedly hitting an iceberg on 4/14. The governments of the United States and Great Britain have officially closed their investigations into the sinking of the … Continued

Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory

As I recently learned, it is a bad idea to joke about conspiracies. They are serious business to some people. But if you are interested in inventing your own conspiracy theory for fun or profit, there is a time-tested formula: Pick bad thing  X that happened (it doesn’t matter what or when). Postulate a conspiracy … Continued

EPA’s Math: Coal Regs = Coal Jobs

The most absurd aspect of the Environmental Protection Agency’s War on Coal is their repeated denials that it’s happening. No matter how many onerous rules they release, each time they claim that the regulation will not only save the environment, but also create jobs in the industry. For example, EPA’s Regulatory Impacts Assessment (RIA) for … Continued

Being Realistic About a Free Society

Classical liberals tend to promise too much when we talk about life under our ideal political institutions. This is not unique among ideological groups. Marx labeled his theory “scientific socialism” because he believed that he had discovered the fundamental pattern of history. His was a theory of everything. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis; capitalism passing into socialism passing … Continued