Roberts helps the government do an end-around the Constitution

This morning, the Supreme Court released its decision on President Obama’s landmark health care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare.” Chief Justice John Roberts, appointed to the Court by President Bush in 2005, delivered the majority opinion upholding the entirety of the law, including the individual insurance mandate, the regulations on … Continued

In Defense of Sweatshops

Roderick Long has written a rebuttal over at Bleeding Heart Libertarians to the LearnLiberty video Matt Zwolinski did on how sweatshops can help the poor escape poverty. Long’s argument is short on specifics, but his conclusion (sweatshops are bad and we should try to find ways of getting rid of them) is highly appealing, even … Continued

How Liberals and Conservatives Are Losing the Battle of Ideas

The Young Activitists New ideas, by their very nature, find root in the fertile soil of young minds. Liberals are no longer the bearers of new ideas. Conservatives are still ridiculous. Both groups are hoping enough interested people are out there who prefer their brand of statism and phony philosophies, both of which have been … Continued

Liberals Make a Stand for Corporate Welfare

The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United to allow corporations to spend money on political activities has become a primary target for liberals in Congress. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wrote this year that “this spending will fundamentally distort our democracy, tilting the playing field to favor corporate interests, discouraging new candidates, chilling elected officials and shifting the overall policymaking … Continued

Libertarians Aren’t Part of the Conservative Movement

National Review’s Jonah Goldberg at the debate TheAmerican Enterprise Institute (AEI) hosted a debate between Reason Magazine Editor Matt Welch and National Review Editor-at-Large Jonah Goldberg last Wednesday. The question posed was, “Are libertarians part of the conservative movement?” Unfortunately, the debate wasn’t much of a debate. Welch began by stating that he agreed with Goldberg “a … Continued